Tuesday 8 September 2009

Licence to Dream

It may have taken me most of the Summer to finally complete but I am pleased to announce the grand unveiling of... The Fantasy Folded Art Dream book.
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Dreams. Soft and beguiling - full of wondrous places, sensations and joy. Write down your dreams and they will be on the first step to coming true, illustrate your heart's desires and you will see them appear before your eyes.

It's been a summer of discovery for me this year, and also one of getting gloriously messy and sticky. 2009 - the year that creativity made a welcome return. I tackled this latest project with the same gusto as my blogging and painting. But I wanted to do something more than just make it look pretty. It had to mean something too and in the spirit of all my fellow creative lovelies, I created a dream book. Every page had to represent a part of me now or who I want to be. Places to visit; lifestyles I may wish to adopt; beds I'd like to sleep in; youthful figures I'd like to regain; and vistas to quench the thirstiest palette and fill my life with colour and inspiration. There's also an awful lot of cushions... See what I mean about dreams being 'soft'! I've tied the book closed with a pretty ribbon, it somehow adds to the magic!

I don't want to bore you by going through my thoughts on each page but ladies.... check out the cover - is that not your dream walk-in closet? Does any other page reach and grab you?

Enjoy your travels through my dreams...

If you'd like to find out more, take the course run by Patty at River Bend Ranch.


  1. What a wonderful treasure you've created! Of course ALL art means something, doesn't it. I think every piece is a part of the creator.
    Your book is really beautiful and personal.
    Maybe all of the cushions mean you are meant to rest more :) Well, a girl can dream, can't she?
    xox, Lisa

  2. Fantastic journal and I like the way you fold the corner of pages down. It entices the reader to want to flip them and look deeper. Bravo! You never cease to amaze us! ;D

  3. Wow, your book is fantastic. You are really good at collage. My book is still in the infant stages. I like the idea of a theme and will think about one for mine. There were so many images I really loved. It is really awesome. Gee what are you going to do with your time now?


  4. I love it! i am so clicking to see her site and class, hey come and live close to me, be my neighbor!!! we can play together and share ideas, LOL

  5. i n c r e d i b l e !!!! What treasure..i am so interested in the folded pages
    OOOH thanks so much for sharing this..i am off to look slowly again


Thank you for your comments - I always love to hear what you think :)

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